Rafia’s reaction when she sees the roses in the living room was actually very cute.
Ghazala had a complete change of heart today and she pleaded guilty! Kashaf has proved to be a role model for her which goes to show that she isn’t such a bad person after all…at least not even half as bad as Murtaza – the real culprit who seems to have gotten away with everything. He will probably have something nice to say about having two daughters.
Honestly speaking, the last scene did not exactly leave me with anticipation to find out what would happen next because I am quite sure that Zaroon will have absolutely no problem with having two daughters. Kashaf may not write it in her diary or say it out loud but it was very apparent from her behavior that she still isn’t sure if Zaroon will value daughters just as much as a son. Zaroon shares how he felt about not having a mother by his side when he was young with Kashaf in detail and Kashaf briefly tells him about how difficult it was for her to trust men because of the kind of life she has lived.